Gawker : Archive for Media: Bubble
The Gawker is reporting that the Chicago Tribune dropped this Boondocks comic today.

Gawker : Archive for Media: Bubble
This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.
The Gawker is reporting that the Chicago Tribune dropped this Boondocks comic today.
Amazon has some great stuff available for free download
These guys sound pretty good. This review seems to say listen to them now before they get so overblown you hate them.
These are the letters to the editor in today's CA. This first one is a concerned citizen that believes that the prison privatization movement in Memphis is not getting a fair shake. The letter points out many reasons why Memphis could benefit from private companies running it's prisons. Who is this concerned do-gooder spreading the gospel of all things private? Why it's Jim Turner vice-president of operations for Corrections Corporation of America. Thanks Jim, I'm convinced.
That Punkin sounds like a real catch.
more great stuff from the master:
Paris has been hacked. No not the French capitals grid, the sidekick of everyone's favorite heiress/slash bimbo (Sorry Bush twins). Some the goodies that have been found in this treasure trove include Eminem's phone number and rubric for heiress iming speech.
A good rundown of the Gannon/Guckert affair.
Dude, I hate my Satanism teacher. I've got to perform three human sacrifices and defile a virgin by next tuesday! Don't get me started on the fiery brimstone lab.
Daytona is always bitching. They were always hostile to spring breakers and they were shocked when they stopped coming. Now here they are complaining they had to build a walkway for 2.7 million. They can make that back in by selling knock off 3 stickers to the yokels. Somehow they have convinced the world that their crappie little beach town is a cool place to go. If they keep complaining people might realize that the traffic sucks, the beach is an ecological nightmare, everything is overpriced, the locals are all surly, and the boardwalk is a haven for pedophiles. If that happens I'm sure New Smyrna would love to take over.
I like that rock gets in a fight at one strip club and then is tracked down at another one. Favorite part of the article:
Iran, Syria announce threat alliance:
The girls soccer coach resigned. The article says the coach is an alum she seems to be around my age but I don't remember her. Do you?
When the aliens come and ask you to take them to your leader just show them a picture of Sam Walton.
went and saw Wilco saturday night it was really great if you can tickets to that show in d.c. i would highly recommend it.
Well I think this guys lists beats mine for content and depth. Plus, it seems like he was getting the exact same promos and samplers I've been getting all year long.
I don't know what to say to this. Is Hollywood the reason for the reelection? They seem to be saying thanks Hollywood for annoying Middle America so much they had to vote for this loser.
"This is the tightest budget that has been submitted since we got here," Cheney told "Fox News Sunday."
What's going on down in Central Florida these days. These kids just aren't partying enough or they are taking there abstinate pledges way too seriously.
Cheer Cheer for ol Bishop Moore
I don't know if you watch American Idol, but this guy was on as one of the contestants last night. I recognized him imediately from his shows that were on comedy central and a Digiorno commercial for the love of god. What does this mean? I have some theories
Some people have said that Bush is stupid for running the incredibly high deficits that his administration is producing. Well, I say he's (in the immortal words of J.P. Steffeck) stupid like a fox. Now he springs the real plan on the people.