These are the people in your neighborhood.
These are the letters to the editor in today's CA. This first one is a concerned citizen that believes that the prison privatization movement in Memphis is not getting a fair shake. The letter points out many reasons why Memphis could benefit from private companies running it's prisons. Who is this concerned do-gooder spreading the gospel of all things private? Why it's Jim Turner vice-president of operations for Corrections Corporation of America. Thanks Jim, I'm convinced.
The rest of the letters are from the morons that walk the streets of my town who feel we need stickers on our textbooks telling everyone that if they like Darwin they are going to burn in hell.
Here is the choice cut:
"All evolutionists do is try to censor and stifle debate. What are they so afraid of? Could it be the thought that if creationism is true, then there must be a Creator to whom we will have to account for ourselves someday?"
Amen Brother - Memphis, TN: Letters To The Editor
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