Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Daytona wants money for nothing and it's chicks for free.

Daytona is always bitching. They were always hostile to spring breakers and they were shocked when they stopped coming. Now here they are complaining they had to build a walkway for 2.7 million. They can make that back in by selling knock off 3 stickers to the yokels. Somehow they have convinced the world that their crappie little beach town is a cool place to go. If they keep complaining people might realize that the traffic sucks, the beach is an ecological nightmare, everything is overpriced, the locals are all surly, and the boardwalk is a haven for pedophiles. If that happens I'm sure New Smyrna would love to take over.


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