Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Poynter Online - Forums

The story on the ground. It gets worse and worse.

Poynter Online - Forums

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Counterspin Central: The unofficial "FIRST AMENDMENT ZONE."

The return of counterspin go and go often.

Counterspin Central: The unofficial "FIRST AMENDMENT ZONE."

The Harvard Crimson Online :: News

The gay agenda has gotten to Scalia. If he can go down who else is safe(pun intended).

The Harvard Crimson Online :: News

Keys to the Game - Oct. 2 Purdue vs. Notre Dame

Conclusion:  College football seasons just seem to be more exciting when the Irish are good.  They put together the whole package against Washington and are as hot as Marisa Miller (think swimsuit model) in a two-piece at this current moment. But, on the flipside, so is this Purdue offense. Orton is s-s-s-s-smoking and he’s got to be licking his chops at the ‘free’ publicity his Heisman campaign gets with a national television audience.  However, he’s not faced a defense as skilled or disciplined as the one he’ll face Saturday.  If the Irish tackle well and the O line can ‘lay’ on the Purdue defensive front seven, the Irish are going to 4 and 1. Notre Dame – 34 vs. Purdue - 30

Keys to the Game - Oct. 2 Purdue vs. Notre Dame

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Disney taps communist group to reach young Chinese

Disney's recipe for success: take a couple billion people brainwash with pictures of Mickey Mouse and Buzz Lightyear and the crush their free will, repeat.

Disney and China have a lot in common. They both have secret police forces. They both have secret chambers where they keep dissidents. They both oppress the workingman. They both have dwarves that dig for all their diamonds.

I mean the only thing that America and Disney still have in common is that we both hate the French.

Truman may be remembered as the president who lost China to the communists but Bush will be remembered as the president who lost China to Donald Duck.

Top News Article |

MSNBC -Stoned slackers watch Jon Stewart?

The Daily Show is the most informative political analysis available in the media today. They are the only ones with the balls to point at the emperor and yell "that dudes got no clothes on!" I'll take John Stewart over all the O'riellys and Matthews' anyday. It turns out a lot of educated people agree with me. (A friend suggested I do more commentary so there you go.)

MSNBC - %u2018Stoned slackers%u2019 watch Jon Stewart?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Seeing The Forest - a Weblog of Politics

A surprising story from Reuters! A press organization is actually investigating whether Bush's statements are true!!

Seeing The Forest - a Weblog of Politics

MSNBC - O'Brien to replace Leno in 2009

Jaywalking will be replaced by Conanwalking?

MSNBC - O'Brien to replace Leno in 2009

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: September 26, 2004 - October 02, 2004 Archives

The Rove treatment in action.
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: September 26, 2004 - October 02, 2004 Archives

MSNBC - Political Humor


MSNBC - Political Humor


it has come to memphis

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Daily Kos :: Recap -- A Month of Shame, or, "GOP to Working Americans: Drop Dead"

Daily Kos :: Recap -- A Month of Shame, or, "GOP to Working Americans: Drop Dead"

Get to know Matt Shelton

Player Bio: Matt Shelton :: Football

- More Useful Everyday

This is a friend of mine's band in memphis check it out

- More Useful Everyday Page 2 - Links of the week Page 2 - Links of the week

'NYT' Dignity Plummets

'NYT' Dignity Plummets

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.

You remember our ally in the WoT, the President of Pakistan? The one that was going to catch Bin Laden for Bush (assuming he's still alive)? Would that be the one that Nicholas Kristof refers to today in his NY Times column?
Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.

How F**king American Are You?

How F**king American Are You?

AlterNet: MediaCulture: The Disease of Right-wing Framing

The media continually reiterates right-wing language when framing the debate over healthcare. The loser is not just John Kerry but also the American voter.

AlterNet: MediaCulture: The Disease of Right-wing Framing



Yahoo! News - Bush Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq

He stated flatly that Kerry had said earlier in the week "he would prefer the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to the situation in Iraq today." The line drew gasps of surprise from Bush's audience in a Racine, Wis., park. "I just strongly disagree," the president said.

Gasps? What was talking to a bunch of two year olds.

Yahoo! News - Bush Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq

Friday, September 24, 2004

Yahoo! News - Britney's Tangled Wedding: A Primer

"Dan Rather was defending his George Bush (news - web sites) story a week ago. Where is Dan Rather today?" Baker asks. "Granted, this is Britney Spears and not the President."

Of course, if it was the President faking something the press would just ignore it.

Yahoo! News - Britney's Tangled Wedding: A Primer

New Poll: Bush 25%, Kerry 75%

So these were the foreign leaders Kerry was talking about!

New Poll: Bush 25%, Kerry 75%


Vannie's Washington Preview

Vannie's Washington Preview

Wednesday, September 22, 2004



AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Taking Liberties

With the latest Detroit convictions overturned, Ashcroft has not convicted a single person of terrorism since 9/11.

AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Taking Liberties

LiberalOasis: Archives For The Week Of Sept. 19, 2004

ABC Sends a Message
LiberalOasis: Archives For The Week Of Sept. 19, 2004

Saint Clinton

time for some christmas shopping

Saint Clinton

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Jen's Movie Quotes Page

I was looking for a quote from singles to put in comment about the hokey-pokey and I came across this quotes page.
Look at this chicks collection of movies. Pretty standard stuff huh well keep looking and you will see it. SKI SCHOOL is on her list. someone else saw ski school and loved as much as I did. here are the quotes

Dave: Welcome to my kingdom! I will bed you all before the night is through!

Dave: If you want to be the best, you must.. lose... your.. mind.

Dave: Its not how far you go, its how go you far.

Dave: OK, you may be able to disqualify us... but you cannot stop us from doing.... the lambada...
Ed: Thats the forbidden dance.

Genius! Remember when that movie was HBO like everyday.

Jen's Movie Quotes Page Page 2 - Links of the week Page 2 - Links of the week

The O'Stewart Factor

The O'Stewart Factor

Breakout the sleeping bags.

Brookings Institution: Perhaps Fallen on Hard Times

MSNBC - Altercation

“And now Aristophanes, who surely must be God, has given us George W. Bush, a man unfit to run a hardware store let alone a nation like this one, and who has merely reaffirmed for me the maxim that informed the writing of all these books and that makes our lives as Americans as precarious as anyone else's: all the assurances are provisional, even here in a 200-year-old democracy.  We are ambushed, even as free Americans in a powerful republic armed to the teeth, by the unpredictability that is history.” Philip Roth

MSNBC - Altercation: - U.S. attack kills 6 rebels in Afghanistan

Who cares Britney got married this weekend. - U.S. attack kills 6 rebels in Afghanistan

Camp Marymount

I thought you would like some of this info

Camp Marymount

Monday, September 20, 2004

Cinemocracy: Virtual Kerry Available Soon

Cinemocracy: Virtual Kerry Available Soon

Campaign 2004's Jedi Mind Tricks

Perhaps the best way to understand Campaign 2004 is to think of the Jedi Mind Trick from the Star War movies, a wave of the hand and a hypnotically suggestive phrase make the feeble-minded miss the obvious. “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for,” Obi-Wan Kenobe tells storm troopers who are looking for precisely those droids.

In Campaign 2004, it’s as if George W. Bush’s campaign has mastered the same trick, applying it to much of the national news media and to many voters: “John Kerry is not the candidate you’re looking for.”

Anti-Bush sentiment amongst the ranks

Daily Kos

John Kerry for President - Speech at New York University

Kerry takes the gloves off

John Kerry for President - Speech at New York University

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Something new for the music section. These two guys are putting out some blues/rock stuff that is really tickling the old drum. It is just rocking enough to get you going but fuzzy enough to be cool.


All of you guys telling everyone to be happy with a mediocre win

This thread is the reason why I hate ND fans.

All of you guys telling everyone to be happy with a mediocre win

AlterNet: War on Iraq: Eclipsed in Iraq

The United States is losing in Iraq – literally losing territory and population to the other side. But who is going to tell the American voters?

AlterNet: War on Iraq: Eclipsed in Iraq

Dirty Trickd in West Virginia

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: September 12, 2004 - September 18, 2004 Archives

What Liberal Media?

No More Mister Nice Blog

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

good stuff


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Village Voice: Features: Defeat Bush: The Guide by Robert Christgau & Ben Reiter

The Village Voice: Features: Defeat Bush: The Guide by Robert Christgau & Ben Reiter

AlterNet: WireTap: Where Does It Hurt?

With college loans, scarce jobs, low wages, no health coverage, young people are getting squeezed from all sides. It’s time to fight back at the ballot box.

AlterNet: WireTap: Where Does It Hurt?: "With college loans, scarce jobs, low wages, no health coverage, young people are getting squeezed from all sides. It%u2019s time to fight back at the ballot box. "

AlterNet: Election 2004: Despair Is a Lie We Tell Ourselves

"This is a moment in history that needs us to rediscover how to be politically active: Maintain the world by changing the world."

Hello supernova!

AlterNet: Election 2004: Despair Is a Lie We Tell Ourselves

We need to work on our stickiness

Read this to understand. I think we are decidedly unsticky.

MyDD :: Top-Down Right-Wing Blogosphere Growing Powerful

KING: ...You don't think Iraq is becoming Vietnam, do you?

MAHER: No. In Vietnam, George Bush had an exit strategy.

No More Mister Nice Blog

No More Mister Nice Blog

Conservatives love this forgeries story.

"Goldberg's lead paragraph is, in fact, the worst paragraph ever written about the media:
I love the CBS News forged-document story. To paraphrase the abominable snowman from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, I want to hug it and squeeze it and name it George. Okay, I don't want to name it George, but you get my drift. If this story were hot fudge, I would smear it all over my body and then roll around in nougat."

I mean they really like it.

No More Mister Nice Blog

Monday, September 13, 2004

Where has the war on terror gotten us.

Juan Cole is the man.

Informed Comment : 09/01/2004 - 09/30/2004

MSNBC - It's Worse Than You Think

As Americans debate Vietnam, the U.S. death toll tops 1,000 in Iraq. And the insurgents are still getting stronger

To paraphrase the comic guy from The Simpsons. Worst foriegn policy ever

MSNBC - It's Worse Than You Think

Here we go again

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Greed is Killing Domocracy

Study Finds U.S. Companies Shifting Profits Overseas

The New York Times > Business > World Business > Study Finds U.S. Companies Shifting Profits Overseas Page 2 - Links of the week Page 2 - Links of the week

More on Al Micheals.

"Monday Night Football" is in Charlotte, N.C., tonight, so maybe Michaels will have a chance to deliver a Republican talking point about Sen. John Edwards."

New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip - Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Bashing from the booth: "'Monday Night Football' is in Charlotte, N.C., tonight, so maybe Michaels will have a chance to deliver a Republican talking point about Sen. John Edwards."

MSNBC - Altercation

A good list of how Bush has used 911 to lead us in the wrong direction.

MSNBC - Altercation

The 'fly paper' thesis.

"As a TPM reader put it to me both hilariously and brilliantly more than a year ago, this 'fly paper' thesis is like saying we're going to build one super dirty hospital where we can fight the germs on our own terms."

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: September 12, 2004 - September 18, 2004 Archives

Powell targets terror comment

"I can't tell you how he might respond to it. As commander in chief, I think he'd respond to it in a robust way," the retired Army general said of Kerry during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." / News / Politics / Presidential candidates / Powell targets terror comment

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Who Owns What

A great resource for info on media consolidation.

Who Owns What MoveOn's 50 Ways to Love Your Country

Sorta of like chicken soup for the progressive soul MoveOn's 50 Ways to Love Your Country

Vaporize Me - Is inhalable alcohol a good idea? By Amanda Schaffer

A quicker way to get drunk is on the horizon. Maybe there is a god.

Vaporize Me - Is inhalable alcohol a good idea? By Amanda Schaffer

Al Micheals spreads the word

Al should just stick to reading the About Jim promos.

GOP talking point echoed during ABC coverage of ... [Media Matters for America]

GOP talking point echoed during ABC coverage of ... [Media Matters for America]

Look at who's on the payroll

Who the president has around says as much about him as anything else. Molly Ivins lays it down
Star-Telegram | 09/12/2004 | Look at who's on the payroll Learn about the upcoming release of Silver City and view movie trailers and details

John Sayles new one looks pretty interesting. Learn about the upcoming release of Silver City and view movie trailers and details

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Yahoo! News - Blast, Mushroom Cloud Reported in N. Korea

Crazy dictator has WMD's. Send in the troops. Wait they don't have oil, nevermind.

Yahoo! News - Blast, Mushroom Cloud Reported in N. Korea

Instant Analysis of Michigan vs. Notre Dame

sorry one more story
Instant Analysis of Michigan vs. Notre Dame

lack of talent myth

Here it is --
Here it is --

NotreDameFans.Com :: View topic - ND Beats Michigan 28-20 (Pics)

ND Baby

NotreDameFans.Com :: View topic - ND Beats Michigan 28-20 (Pics) - Notre Dame Football/Basketball

Over? Did You Say, "Over"?



"shaddup hes on a roll" - Notre Dame Football/Basketball - The O'Reilly Factor - Interview - Bush Critic and Comedian Bill Maher Unspun

This interview seemed heavily edited to me but Maher makes some good points. - The O'Reilly Factor - Interview - Bush Critic and Comedian Bill Maher Unspun

Friday, September 10, 2004

More compassionate conservatism

Bush Supporters: Classy!

Bush Supporters: Classy!

Where are the democrats drowning their sorrows

This little article talks about where to drink in D.C. if you want to meet Kerry campaign people and yell at them for screwing up this campaign. Meet you at old ebbitt tonight for a Manhattan. Washington's Second-Most Eligible Bachelor

Bush vs. Jesus


Yahoo! News - House Blocks New OT Rules; Dems Claim Win

Well the dems are pretty desperate to claim wins so I guess we'll let them have this one.

Yahoo! News - House Blocks New OT Rules; Dems Claim Win

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Linklater will coach 'Bears' redo for Paramount

George and I have constantly debated weather this movie could be remade. in the original the kids drink beer and throw as many racial slurs as fast-balls. Which makes it a classic of course.

Linklater will coach 'Bears' redo for Paramount

MSNBC - 'Scarborough Country' for Sept. 8

I posted the whole transcript, but this one part really got me going. (Note: Scarborough is really jerk but sometimes I like to watch to get my heart rate going it's better than exercise.)

TERRY JEFFREY, EDITOR, “HUMAN EVENTS”:  Well, I think it was a good thing for the vice president to climb back down from that statement, Joe.

I think there‘s underlying legitimate issue.  It‘s really the basic question of the campaign, which Mike Barnicle, I think, alluded to before the break, which is that the major problem for the country is going to be national security in the years ahead, particularly the threat of terrorism.  The American people really have to decide which one of these two candidates, George Bush or John Kerry, is going to do a better job at dealing with the threat of terrorism. 

And I think we have to understand that neither of these candidates can probably perfectly insulate the United States from a future terrorist attack.  Although I am a conservative, I do not believe that George Bush really in all areas is doing everything necessary to protect—prevent potential terrorist attacks. 

For example, the column I filed today, Joe, talks about the fact that the U.S. State Department last month in Mexico put out a media bulletin saying that a suspected al Qaeda terrorist, Adnan Shukrijumah, might try and cross the border into Arizona or Texas.  And it‘s not clear to me that the Bush administration has done enough to secure our southern border against penetration by terrorists. 

SCARBOROUGH:  And why aren‘t they doing that, Terry? 

JEFFREY:  I think because, for one, they believe it‘s politically incorrect.  No. 2, it‘s no secret that the Bush administration has been trying to reach out to the Latino vote, which is a good thing.  I think the Republican Party should expand its base.  I think there‘s an opportunity because of shared values between conservatives and the Latino community to bring them into the Republican Party.

But I think it‘s wrong for the president of the United States not to see the urgency in defending our southern border in the years after 9/11, when now we know even our government believes there‘s a vulnerability there of terrorists coming across.  So I think it was unwise what Dick Cheney said yesterday, although I think the debate really in the election is which candidate, Bush or Kerry, will better defend us in the years ahead. 

This guy is admitting that Bush will put our nation's security at risk when it is politically advantageous to do so. How is there any debate as to who will protect this country better. The whole transcript follows.

MSNBC - 'Scarborough Country' for Sept. 8

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth

There is so muc hon this blog i could not just list one thing, so here you go.
AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth

Did I mention that Maureen Dowd is hot?

Cheney Spits Toads

Without Zell Miller around to out-crazy him, and unplugged after a convention that tried to "humanize'' him with grandchildren, horses and wifely anecdotes about his inability to dance the twist, Mr. Cheney is back as Terrifier in Chief.

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Cheney Spits Toads

Daddy Darkest

George W. Bush thinks of Americans as little kids. No wonder we’ve grown so dysfunctional.

True dat

American Prospect Online - ViewWeb

Wednesday, September 08, 2004 Books: 50 Facts That Should Change the World

Saw this in the bookstore today. It has officially made my as soon as I get paid and finish reading the other books people suggest to me I will buy this book and let it collect dust on my shelf and quickly change the subject when people ask me about it book list. The list is long and distinguished. Books: 50 Facts That Should Change the World

AlterNet: MediaCulture: Flip-flopper in Chief

That flippin' flip-flopper part IIAlterNet: MediaCulture: Flip-flopper in Chief

Make No Mistake, Anderson Cooper Doesn't Have A Girlfriend

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Make No Mistake, Anderson Cooper Doesn't Have A Girlfriend


Good place to go when you are feeling lonely in a red state. Is Tennessee still red?


Yahoo! News - Calif. to Sue Diebold Over False Claims

Yahoo! News - Calif. to Sue Diebold Over False Claims

Kerry Widens Lead in Battleground States!

The Emerging Democratic Majority WebLog - DonkeyRising

The Emerging Democratic Majority WebLog - DonkeyRising

HBO: Bill Maher: New Rules

New Rule: If you're watching people play cards on TV, you either need a better hobby or a drinking problem. First, there was "Celebrity Poker." Then there was "Celebrity Blackjack." I saw one show that was just Camryn Mannheim scratching lottery tickets.

Oh yeah he also goes off on W.

HBO: Bill Maher: New Rules

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Defamer: Busey On The Loose

Ya gotta love it. Defamer: Busey On The Loose

New York Post Online Edition: entertainment

COOLEST POLITICIAN: Rep. Harold Ford Jr., 34, of Tennessee, who was spotted dancing the night away at Cabana last month. The Democratic rising star's best move? Swaying solo to Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

New York Post Online Edition: entertainment

AlterNet: Movie Mix: The Resurrection of 'Donnie Darko'

something for the movies section.

AlterNet: Movie Mix: The Resurrection of 'Donnie Darko'

AlterNet: Election 2004: A Society of Owers

The Republicans are selling their vision of an "Ownership Society" to a nation of debtors.
AlterNet: Election 2004: A Society of Owers

Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth

Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth: "Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth
Party Hardy"

Holy shit it's Dr.Laura's kid!

No way.
Jesus' General

How great will the price be?

Yahoo! News - U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Pass 1,000

"It's the wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place."

Yahoo! News - Fierce Clashes in Iraq Kill 34 People

Monday, September 06, 2004

Bush: Pure as the Driven Snow

Bush: Pure as the Driven Snow

Unexpected consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act.

The Washington Monthly

What about the proctologists who cannot practice their love of the ass?


Honeydew/Beaker '04

Yahoo! News - Muppet Scientists Named Most Popular Screen Boffins

Hopefully all is not lost.

Picking Up the Pieces - Notre Dame Football/Basketball: "1995" Page 2 - Links of the week Page 2 - Links of the week

Cinemocracy: The Power of Celebrity. The Celebrity of Power. The Nexus of Hollywood and Washington.

Cinemocracy: Cinemocracy 6 Month Review: Voices, Interests, and the Image

Cinemocracy: Cinemocracy 6 Month Review: Voices, Interests, and the Image

"I think John Kerry would make a fine President."

Who's quote is it?

A. Michael Moore
B. John McCain
C. Al Sharpton
D. Karl Rove

New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip - Benn Widdicombe's Gatecrasher: Let's not get too Kerry-ed away

Here are a few of our favorite lines from Tom Hanks.

Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump):
"My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

Jimmy Dugan (A League of Their Own):
"Are you crying? There's no crying. There's no crying in baseball."

Jim Lovell (Apollo 13):
"Houston, we have a problem."

Josh Baskin (Big):
"I wish I were big."

Chuck Noland (Cast Away):
"I would rather take my chances out there on the ocean than stay here and die."

I think I like this one the best.

"I can't say that it's in tune with the way that I feel that America should be going."

-- Tom Hanks, referring to the Bush administration, while attending the Venice Film Festival, which opened with Hanks's film "The Terminal."


Back to Iraq 3.0

The situation in Iraq as seen at ground level.

the pitch

Hi there! Thanks for stopping in. I'm Christopher Allbritton, former AP and New York Daily News reporter. In 2002, I went stumbling around Iraqi Kurdistan, the northern part of Iraq outside Saddam's direct control, looking for stories. (Some might call it "looking for trouble.") In March 2003, I made it back in time for the war, becoming the Web's first fully reader-funded journalist-blogger. With the support of thousands of readers, we raised almost $15,000. You can read my dispatches here. It was one of the moments in journalism when everything worked. It was a grand -- and successful -- experiment in independent journalism.

Now I'm back in Iraq for the third time, and this time, I've effectively moved to Baghdad. It's a raucous, scary and exciting place with a lot of news going on. I report for a variety of outlets including Time Magazine and others. If you care to donate to support, you'll be placed on a "premium" mailing list that I'll try to get special dispatches out to you that either don't appear on the Web site, or appear days early. When I get some more photographs, I'll try to send those out on the listserv as well.

Thanks for reading!

Back to Iraq 3.0

Seeing The Forest - a Weblog of Politics

A good blog with tons of links to other blogs.

Seeing The Forest - a Weblog of Politics

Tentacles of Rage: The Republican propaganda mill, a brief history

Long as hell but worth it.Tentacles of Rage: The Republican propaganda mill, a brief history LEWIS
H LAPHAM / Harpers Magazine v.309, n.1852, September 2004 1sep04

More news from the "catastrophic success" - Falluja bomb kills 7 U.S. troops - Sep 6, 2004

Garrison Keillor gets all exclamation point on your ass

We%u2019re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore: How did the Party of Lincoln and Liberty transmogrify into the party of Newt Gingrich%u2019s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk? -- In These Times

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Tid Bits and controversies

This is my brothers blog. Tid Bits and controversies


We all tried to ignore him. look where that got us.

Compassionate conservatives at work

TalkLeft: Young Republican Kicks Female Protester

Graham steps to the plate

How could someone from Jeb's state say such things.

Yahoo! News - Senator: Commander Told of Military Drain

Swift Clerical Errors for Truth

Yahoo! News - Bush's National Guard File Missing Records

Maureen Dowd is hot

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Amnesia in the Garden

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Polls shmolls

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.

Friday, September 03, 2004

The Command Post - A Newsblog Collective

This link is from the reader recommendation file
Thanks Temujin here is a link to his blog
The Command Post - A Newsblog Collective

Best book ever about love and life in in wartorn Belfast Books: Eureka Street: A Novel of Ireland Like No Other

Best book ever about a garbage strike ever Books: Lord of the Barnyard: Killing the Fatted Calf and Arming the Aware in the Cornbelt

Wishful Thinking?

Vannie's BYU Preview


Santina describes this band best. "I can't get tired of this. Every song sounds different."

The Secret Machines

Three guys. An organ, guitar and drums what else do you need.
The Secret Machines

Great site for keeping tabs on the Iraq situation

Today in Iraq

The "ownership society" did better under Clinton

In the last few days, Republicans have talked up a storm about rising home ownership rates under the Bush administration. Bush was half right when he said in his acceptance speech that, "thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high."

While it's true that the percentage of Americans who own their own homes (69.2%) is at a record high, it's hard to attribute that to the current Republican leadership -- the rate has increased every year since 1993, and in fact, grew faster on average during the Clinton administration.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, When Clinton came into office, homeownership stood at 63.7%. Clinton left office with home ownership up 3.8% to 67.5%. Under Bush, it's gone up 1.7%.

In fact, since the mid 1960s, home ownership has typically gone up no matter who's in office, though a couple of presidents -- both Republican -- proved an exception: During the 12 years Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush were in office, ownership rates dropped 1.2%. Politics: "The 'ownership society' did better under Clinton

Get well soon Bill we need ya

AlterNet: Unmitigated Gall

Those flippin' flip floppers AlterNet: Unmitigated Gall

Zell sings a different tune

AlterNet: Election 2004: Zell Miller's 2001 Speech on John Kerry

Bush doesn't like tax and spend but is cut and spend a lot much better

Conservatives are jumping - Daily Dish