Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Ruthless Guide To 80s Action: RUTHLESS REVIEWS

The scary part? Thanks to my step-dad I have seen all but three of these movies.

The Ruthless Guide To 80s Action: RUTHLESS REVIEWS

the Phat Phree - Entertainment

the Phat Phree - Entertainment

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - IMAX theaters�reject film over evolution - Mar 23, 2005

Oh Boy! - IMAX theaters�reject film over evolution - Mar 23, 2005

Yahoo! News - Reinsertion of Schiavo Feeding Tube Denied

Demonstrators who gathered outside Terri Schiavo's hospice here decried the courts' decisions. One woman was arrested Tuesday for trespassing after trying to bring Schiavo a cup of water.

"This is a clear cut case of judicial tyranny. All the judges who have ruled against Terri are tyrants, and we fully expected this decision," said Tammy Melton, 37, a high school teacher from Monterey, Tenn.

This is the fruit of the dangerous game the Republicans are playing. The checks and balances that run our government are there for a reason. When one of those checks limits your power on a issue it is not okay to go to the American people and tell them that that group are tyrants. This is the kind of rhetoric that leads to militant groups that advocate the overthrow of this "tyrannical" government. The Republicans are playing with fire.

Yahoo! News - Reinsertion of Schiavo Feeding Tube Denied

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 posted misleading graph showing poll re ... [Media Matters for America]

Damn that Clinton News Network! posted misleading graph showing poll re ... [Media Matters for America]

Yahoo! News - Macintosh Hacker Attacks Are on the Rise -Symantec

Come and get us hackers we're not scared.

Yahoo! News - Macintosh Hacker Attacks Are on the Rise -Symantec

the Phat Phree - Features

There is a fine line between genius and stupidity. The guys at this site tread the line every time I visit. This is the tale of how one brave soul really did get 12 cds for a penny.

the Phat Phree - Features

Monday, March 21, 2005

the Phat Phree - Sports

A great story of video game mania. This site is quickly becoming one my favorites.

the Phat Phree - Sports

Sunday, March 20, 2005

CBS News | Trial By Legislation | March 20, 2005�11:00:00

All this is an end around being run by the pro-lifers. if they can get some judge somewhere to rule that someone whose life cannot be supported without the benefit of something else giving nutrients as the right to live there will be some short legal jumps to applying that ruling to fetus. They do not care what happens to these people this all political grandstanding but a bunch of fake Christians. That phrase "culture of life" they are throwing around has far-reaching implications.

Of course all that culture of life stuff stops at the doors of our penal system.

CBS News | Trial By Legislation | March 20, 2005�11:00:00

Friday, March 18, 2005

the Phat Phree - The World

funny stuff

the Phat Phree - The World - HBO down to 'The Wire' - HBO down to 'The Wire'

Thursday, March 17, 2005

News & Features | High and mighty

How much do you want to know about High Times?

Choice Cuts:

1) This is not a casual culture, a smoking circle content with stem-filled dime bags and resin-scraped bowls. Rather, this is the territory of two-foot bongs and herbal vaporizers. "High Times is for the pot smoker," agrees editor Steve Bloom, who’s worked at the publication for 15 years. "They spend money on marijuana; they spend money on paraphernalia. When they travel, they go to destinations that are pot-friendly. They’re stoners. And stoners stick together because stoners are persecuted."

Preach on brother!

2)Then there are the Bonghitters, High Times’ legendary softball team that battles, and usually crushes, teams from other media outlets, such as the Onion, the New Yorker, and The Daily Show. The Bonghitters have been around since 1991, when they had a mascot named Dreddy Duck. Back then, the players rallied on Central Park’s Great Lawn with war paint, chants, drums, and post-game bong circles. "We were a little bit more of a freak show," Bloom says. These days, they’re more understated, limiting themselves largely to their theme song, "Take Me Out to the Bong Game." Last year, the team went 15-3-1; in the previous two years, they were undefeated. "We tend not to smoke too much before games," says Bloom, also the team’s coach. "I think that’s the secret to our success. I always say, ‘Feel free to have THC floating through your system, but don’t smoke when you’re running out there to play third base.’ "

Do you think they need a utility infielder? I can't wait for the congressional hearings on this.

News & Features | High and mighty

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yahoo! Sports Tournament Pick'em

my picks
Yahoo! Sports Tournament Pick'em

MSNBC - OPEC says it has lost control of oil prices

It's called peak oil. It is the point where the oil supplies and the means of oil production reach their maximum capacity. With supply dwindling and demand booming we're heading to a disaster.

Kerry said many times during his campaign that we cannot drill our way out of the energy crisis. We have to innovate our way out of it. He was right and America will find that out too late.

MSNBC - OPEC says it has lost control of oil prices

Yahoo! News - Top Stories Photos - AP

Where would you put the drills?


Yahoo! News - Top Stories Photos - AP

BBC NEWS | Business | US hawk named to run World Bank


BBC NEWS | Business | US hawk named to run World Bank / Sports / College / Men's basketball / March Madness goes to market

You think calcutta is tricky? Check this out. / Sports / College / Men's basketball / March Madness goes to market

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Raising Arizona

Full script of Raising Arizona can be found here.

Raising Arizona

Cancel Arrested Development!!!

That's right you heard me.

TV Squad

Monday, March 14, 2005

Diary : Defamer

i posted this because of the totally interesting Miami Vice info but you guys might want to check something else in the post.

Diary : Defamer

Saturday, March 12, 2005 Orange County News

Trouble in O-town Orange County News

Friday, March 11, 2005

AlterNet: MediaCulture: Free Speech Impediment

Let me get this straight you can talk about donkey punches on CSI and you can talk about milfs on the Apprentice, and you can talk about hard-ons during every commercial break but mention fox and you will get censored .

Now if this show was about an impotent Bill O'reilly wanting to give milfs the donkey punch then I would see the need for censoring.

AlterNet: MediaCulture: Free Speech Impediment

Boston: Colleges and Universities

Boston: Colleges and Universities

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Veiled Conceit: Seat's taken

This is pretty good. The only great thing going on in our culture is that "nobodies", i.e. reality stars and the noveau riche, get to saddle up next to twice-married mothers, of at least one, who are jockeying for position in the times.

Choice cut:

"I once, in my previous pregnancy, wrote to the then editor of a well known society magazine, and said I was tired of seeing the same anorexic blondes carrying Birkin bags in his pages. Why couldn't we see some fat people, or some salesgirls from Lord & Taylor at 2nd avenue bars being photographed after work? His answer: [Author of this letter], would you really want to read about them? No, I really would not."

Sorry baby, here come the huns.

Veiled Conceit: Seat's taken

Cinemocracy: Democracy is Hot

Most americans are starting to realize something that I have known for quite some time. Lebanese women are hot! I hung out with George Chater's sisters and Jen Jebailey enough to know this is absolutely true. These are not your run-of-the-mill Iraqi wenches that we are dealing with. These are Mediterranean beauties thirsting to be free. That is so hot.

Cinemocracy: Democracy is Hot

Shots fired on Union

Shots were just fired on Union near where Bush is staying (the peabody)

Never count out Memphis when it comes to national embarrassments.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Yahoo! News - Erasing Debts in Bankruptcy May Get Harder

Bush hearts Big Business part 2.

Yahoo! News - Erasing Debts in Bankruptcy May Get Harder

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

TPM - bankruptcy

The TPM gives you everything you need to know about bankruptcy and how our government once again sold us down the river

TPM - bankruptcy

Monday, March 07, 2005

It's in the hole!


Yahoo! News - Tiger Beats Mickelson, Regains No. 1 Spot

Bono Nominated for World Bank Presidency

I guess you couldn't do much worse. The article only mentions his work for AIDS relief. Which is surprising considering he is such an advocate for debt forgiveness.


No More Mister Nice Blog

And they will know were are christian by are hairsplitting.

No More Mister Nice Blog

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Yahoo! News - Pregnant Richards Seeks Split From Sheen

Why do I love this? Remember all those times Charlie went to jail, or got out of rehab, or had testify at a hooker trial. Well, every time this happens Martin Sheen shows up looking like the confused father. He always has a look like the dad from one of those not my kid after school specials. The best is when you see film of him showing up at three in the morning to bail Charlie out. He always is wearing jeans and a flannel and that aforementioned face. every time I see it I always think that is what my dad would look like in that same situation. The lesson? When it comes to your kid getting mixed up in a hooker/drug/alcohol/panda eating scandal were all the same. We all have to wear the flannel and jeans some time.

Mo money Mo problems

Yahoo! News - Pregnant Richards Seeks Split From Sheen

No More Mister Nice Blog

Newsflash: This government is run by greedy rich guys who only claim to have have christian values.

The only reason they tell us believe in god is so they can tell us what to do about our marriages, when we can die and what we can listen to thr radio. When it comes to the part of Christainity that calls for the protection of the meek all that mumbo jumbo goes out the window.

No More Mister Nice Blog

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Elko Daily Free Press

"I say we tell those liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and their music and whine somewhere else," Gibbons said to another burst of applause.

This Elko place sounds like my kind of town. It makes Olive Branch, MS seem down right cosmopolitan.

Elko Daily Free Press

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

UPDATE: Asia To Set Up Monetary Discussion Group

When our currency goes down the drain maybe we can borrow money from this guy.


UPDATE: Asia To Set Up Monetary Discussion Group

Yahoo! News - Indiana zones in on time

Maybe now we can figure out what time the ND game starts.

Yahoo! News - Indiana zones in on time