Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Australian: Bush to reveal his Iraq victory strategy [December 01, 2005]

This is so exciting! It is almost like when Ty Pennington reveals the new house to those kids in a wheel chair. Maybe the President's plan is to give everyone in Iraq a flatscreen t.v., take that Al Queda.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Creating a More Perfect Community: Units

Monday, November 28, 2005

The days of DeAngelo

George Caliborne Video God

There was the crazy run against UTEP earlier this season. Then the crazy run against Central Florida the next week. Oh, and the touchdown run against Houston last year.

"The second he got the ball, he immediately took two or three steps backward to let a guy go by him, then -- boom! -- went through the hole to the end zone," said George Claiborne, the Tigers' video coordinator.

Claiborne has mixed feelings about Williams' departure. As the man who handles all Tiger football video, he's seen more of Williams than anyone. So he'll certainly miss the thrills.

"But he makes my job a lot longer," Claiborne said, "because I go back and look at his runs over and over and over."

Claiborne can remember all the great ones in glorious, eye-popping detail. His second touchdown against Ole Miss in 2003 ("He kind of karate kicked to his left, then blows down the sidelines."). His long touchdown against South Florida last year ("There were too many men in the box, and you can kind of see him looking over at Tommy before the play. It didn't matter. He scored anyway.").

"My all-time favorite was Tulane, 2003," he said. "It was one of those, right up the middle, but he had to make an 'S' move to get away from everyone. He showed everything on that one, vision, speed and elusiveness. And he didn't get touched. On a run right up the middle.

"I was watching that again a week ago, and I got chill bumps."

Thursday, November 24, 2005

ND band does the Numa Numa!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Blogdom's Best: Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Deadspin


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Crooks and Liars

we were this close to actually having a true debate about the war in congress. If this people ever had to actually defend their positions in a true debate they would not be running this country.

I long for the day when we see questions for the president on c-span.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Covering Teen Wolf: One Coach's Guide.

Today The Teenwolf Rules.


Tomorrow how to chase down Marty Mcfly on a skateboard (or hover-board depending on the time period.)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bush Didn't Mislead on War, Adviser Says - Yahoo! News

Bush relied on the collective judgment of the intelligence community when he determined that Iraq's
Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, national security adviser Stephen Hadley said.

"Turns out, we were wrong," Hadley told "Late Edition" on CNN. "But I think the point that needs to be emphasized ... allegations now that the president somehow manipulated intelligence, somehow misled the American people, are flat wrong."

Bush searched for information to support his point and disregarded all other information that disagreed with his aims. If you are willing to go along with the idea that the President did not manipulate the evidence than the only other answer is that President only listened to one point of view before leading us to war. That is almost as bad.

It goes back to my point: is this President evil or incompetent. I'm really not sure which is worse.

For anyone interested in next year's team

For anyone interested in next year's team

The Blue-Gray Sky: February 2005

Great ND names discussed.... at length.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Tecmo Bowl sites

I read somewhere that Jeff S. and Maurice Stovall touchdown celebration reminded some people of a touchdown celebration on Tecmo Bowl. I set out on search to compare the images here they are

Look at the air those guys get

Yay, Anthony Carter. Not great image but best I could find.

In the process of looking for that image I stumbled unto a world that is fascinating/scary. The tecmo bowl universe on the web is extensive and worth a look. This site has links to online leagues, ROMS, commentary, true stories of tecmo playing, and of course many wistful reminisces of Bo Jackson. Go check it out, but only if you have lots of time on your hands.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Welcome to hell.

Blue Gray Sky is great site and i found this little beauty on it.

The Blue-Gray Sky: November 2005

Sacre Bleu!

What the hell is going on in Paris? Maybe the should get De Ja Vu, Chocolate Mousse and Latrine to take care of business over there.


Memo to Cadillac: Davis thinks he's the best Auburn running back in the NFL - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Oh no he didn't!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Senate Emerges From Closed Session on Iraq - Yahoo! News

This just in! Democrats may be growing balls! We will keep you informed on all the developments.