Bush Didn't Mislead on War, Adviser Says - Yahoo! News
Bush relied on the collective judgment of the intelligence community when he determined that Iraq's
Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, national security adviser Stephen Hadley said.
"Turns out, we were wrong," Hadley told "Late Edition" on CNN. "But I think the point that needs to be emphasized ... allegations now that the president somehow manipulated intelligence, somehow misled the American people, are flat wrong."
Bush searched for information to support his point and disregarded all other information that disagreed with his aims. If you are willing to go along with the idea that the President did not manipulate the evidence than the only other answer is that President only listened to one point of view before leading us to war. That is almost as bad.
It goes back to my point: is this President evil or incompetent. I'm really not sure which is worse.
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