Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

And so it begins.

Some people have said that Bush is stupid for running the incredibly high deficits that his administration is producing. Well, I say he's (in the immortal words of J.P. Steffeck) stupid like a fox. Now he springs the real plan on the people.
The plan all along was to bleed the federal government dry to the point where it could no longer be fixed and only massive cuts would shore up the damage. In his state of the union Bush will say that now is the time for us to be fiscally conservative. The President needs to be told the time for that would have been when he had the chance to roll back his tax cut to help pay for his war. Now he is proposing a freeze on spending on everything except for, you guessed it, the war in Iraq.
There is a silver lining. In order for Bush to get all the cooperation he has been afforded on the hill during his presidency he has had to pump unbelievable amounts of pork in to the red states. If you think the Republicans are going to back away from the gravy train without a fight you have got another thing coming.
I maybe wrong, but the lame duck era for this president might be starting sooner than we think.

Yahoo! News - Bush to Call for Near-Freeze in Spending: Aide


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