So, I have been trying to figure out which Redskins cheerleader you should hook up with. Sad truth is I don't know which was is right for you all have pros and cons. Let's break it down.
Pros : Asian, right age, nice rack, Moms makes great Korean food.
Cons: Favorite movie is Legally
Blonde, Favorite band is
Aerosmith, doesn't watch cartoons

Kelly N. (not Kelley that chick is crazy!)
Pros: Right age, from Carolina, Family Guy fan, possible daddy issues.
Cons: Bologna tits,
quote is from Helen Keller, possible daddy issues.

Pros: Hot, likes all kinds of music, Nice Rack.
Cons: All kinds of music includes Usher and Gwen
Stefani, is an accountant.

Pros: Hot, best rack in the bunch, has a B.S. degree, likes the
Looney Tunes.
Cons: Favorite book is The Notebook, did some photo spreads for local photographers( porn)
MelaniPros: MBA form
UVA, was a Wizards cheerleader could possibly
introduce you to Gilbert Arenas, favorite movie is Friday that means she smokes weed.
Cons: Probably slept with Arenas, second favorite movie is Friday After Next, the fact that she totally skips Next Friday is a little troubling.
That is just my initial research it's a mixed bag but there are some diamonds in the rough.
Washington Redskins