Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Washington Redskins Cheerleaders

So, I have been trying to figure out which Redskins cheerleader you should hook up with. Sad truth is I don't know which was is right for you all have pros and cons. Let's break it down.

Pros : Asian, right age, nice rack, Moms makes great Korean food.
Cons: Favorite movie is Legally Blonde, Favorite band is Aerosmith, doesn't watch cartoons
Kelly N. (not Kelley that chick is crazy!)
Pros: Right age, from Carolina, Family Guy fan, possible daddy issues.
Cons: Bologna tits, quote is from Helen Keller, possible daddy issues.

Pros: Hot, likes all kinds of music, Nice Rack.
Cons: All kinds of music includes Usher and Gwen Stefani, is an accountant.

Pros: Hot, best rack in the bunch, has a B.S. degree, likes the Looney Tunes.
Cons: Favorite book is The Notebook, did some photo spreads for local photographers( porn)

Pros: MBA form UVA, was a Wizards cheerleader could possibly introduce you to Gilbert Arenas, favorite movie is Friday that means she smokes weed.
Cons: Probably slept with Arenas, second favorite movie is Friday After Next, the fact that she totally skips Next Friday is a little troubling.

That is just my initial research it's a mixed bag but there are some diamonds in the rough.
Washington Redskins


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent early leg work for me, Josh. I'll do my best to not disappoint regardless of which ho-bag I pork.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where are the photo spreads of Leeanne you referenced?

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys should be ashamed. Those girls would never give you the time of day.

11:19 AM  

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