Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Macken's Lounge: The American League: Like you knew them in high school

All the MLB teams and who they remnd you of from High School. (via deadspin)

Macken's Lounge: The American League: Like you knew them in high school

Monday, March 27, 2006

eBay: Bongo Board - Vintage (item 7228457602 end time Mar-27-06 09:46:54 PST)

eBay: Bongo Board - Vintage (item 7228457602 end time Mar-27-06 09:46:54 PST)

Men's Tournament Challenge: Leaderboard

This is the leaderboard from espn, and yes the guy in front picked george mason in the fnal four.

Men's Tournament Challenge: Leaderboard

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Today in Iraq

I like to link to this site every once in while. I think its very important to go their daily. It has become all the rage to say that it is the medias fault for the way the war is going. The medias portrayal of events may be to grim just as the administrations is too rosy. I think it is up to everyone to become more aware and find their own since of where we are in the war. This site is one of the best places to start.

Today in Iraq

Thursday, March 23, 2006

fourfour: Crazy with a Z

Liza Minnelli is crazy! Crazy like a fox!

fourfour: Crazy with a Z

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Save Ferris! - Deadspin

Deadspin helpfully points out that Ferris Bueller's Day Off will sonn be turning twenty! That's right you are officially old. Well, if you ever wondered what game Ferris and the crew attended at Wrigley the site has tracked it down.

Save Ferris! - Deadspin

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Academy Awards� Oscars Winners

I have decided I am going to win the Oscar. How will I do this? I have decided to seek out the perfect Oscar bait role. The role will be as follows:

I will play a retarded prostitute who has a weird accent. This mentally challenged hustler from a strange land will have to be someone historically significant. This historically significant mongoloid with the weird patios, who just happens to do a little streetwalking on the side, will be an aspiring singer whose songs I will sing myself. The stress of being a great man of his time combined with the struggles of a mentally defective lady of the night will cause this character to develop a drinking/drug problem. The fact that the character can hardly be understood due to their strange speech will only cause more drunken angry rage. Oh, and their gay, of course. I will gain forty pounds for the first part of the film and then lose sixty pounds for the second part.

After completing the picture my publicity machine will kick in. I will make sure that everyone knows that my drastic weight change put me in the hospitable. Everyone will be aware that I'm a dumb hick from Tennessee who was lucky enough to be able to read. It will be common knowledge that not only did I stay in character the whole time I was filming the movie but that i even turned some tricks and snorted blow in my trailer to keep it real.

After doing all this I feel that the academy will have no choice to but to give me the Oscar. So look for me in Sweating to the Misery: The Richard Simmons Story. I pretty sure he wasn't a prostitute nor do I believe he would be considered technically retarded but hey this is Hollywood dude we can embellish a bit!

Academy Awards� Oscars Winners

Friday, March 10, 2006

Bush's Approval Rating Falls to New Low - Yahoo! News

Bill Simmons wrote an article about the Steelers during the brief Tommy Maddox era. in the article he points out the exact moment in a game where even the most devoted steelers fan comes to the earth shattering realization that Tommy Maddux sucked. This is Bush. He is the Tommy Maddux of presidents he was able to fool people for little while. He convinced the die-hards he was a good leader. Then the inevitable happened, too many interceptions and fumbled snaps and everyone begins to realize that he just sucks. Hopefully there is a Big Ben on the horizon.

Bush's Approval Rating Falls to New Low - Yahoo! News

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Crash Sucks

I saw Crash at a free preview two weeks before it was released. I walked out thinking two things; one was that the movie was about as subtle as a sledgehammer and two that it was an unoriginal piece of crap.

One of David Spade's best jokes from the hollywood minute sketch on SNL went something like this: "Casino, Ca-seen-it! But I liked it better when it was called Goodfellas." This is how I felt about Crash. Ca-seen-it but I liked better when it was called Grand Canyon, or Short Cuts, or Magnolia, or Falling Down or any of the other dozens of L.A. stories that have come out in the last twenty years.(Hell there was even another movie called Crash about people who were turned on by car crashes, so the name is even unoriginal.) Some of the themes in the movie were: that we are all racists that should feel horrible about ourselves. That the LAPD is a racist and corrupt organization. That people who live in L.A. are all alienated and disaffected from their fellow human beings. This is groundbreaking stuff, huh.

I walked out of the movie thinking that the movie was disappointing but ultimately harmless because no one sees movies with Sandra Bullock in them anymore. Then it won the SAG award and I thought to myself uh-oh. The Academy award only proves to me that Hollywood pushes out so much crap every year that celebrating mediocrity is their only recourse. They have made their bed now they have to wallow in it.

Unfortunately, Crash was the only best picture nominee that I saw so I cannot comment on the rest of them but if this won they must have sucked.

Speaking of mediocrity check out that cast list Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Ryan Phillipe, Matt Dillon, Ludacris! There was more melodrama in this movie then a junior high girls locker room. I wondered how Don Cheadle got involved but his game has been a little off since he put on that horrible cockney accent in Ocean's 11. Terrance Howard is good in it but he just strikes me as the black Benicio Del Toro. I mean I've never seen those two in the same room so they could be the same people.
Separated at birth?

To sum up, Crash sucked.

Oscar misfire: %u2018Crash%u2019 and burn - Academy Awards -

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Boing Boing: SNL Natalie Portman gangsta rap video

Get a pretty girl and have her cuss alot and you have stole my heart forever.

Boing Boing: SNL Natalie Portman gangsta rap video

Pat Tillman's Death: A Look Back in Time - TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime

Who will speak up for Tillman? Porno Stasche Jake, that's who!
Jake speaks out! (envision the Blu-Blockers to really understand the power of this statement)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Donors pitch in to help Brownies - News

Someone get Eva Hurst on the phone! We have a girl scout cookie emergency.

Donors pitch in to help Brownies - News

Thursday, March 02, 2006 - Memphis, TN

Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies. - Memphis, TN