Billosh World
This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Obama Oh Baby!
This speech lays it all out. If someone ever asks you what the progressives message for this country is hand them a copy of this address. They'll get the picture.
Commencement Address
What the FARC!
Remember when people said our war on drugs in Columbia would be our next Vietnam? Ah, the good old days.
Rebels Kill at Least 25 Colombian Troops - Yahoo! News
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Cruising Toward a Tabloid Crackup - How Tom and Katie are undermining the celebrity magazines. By Jack Shafer
I know why people are so obsessed with celebrities and what they are doing next. People are obsessed with celebrities and what they are doing next because they are obsessed what everyone is doing next. Look at my somewhat mundane life and the obsession with it by everyone i have met parties since I was seventeen. The following will be various questions that I have been asked at different points in my life and answers that I have given.
Josh's graduation party: Where are you going to college?
I'm not fuck the man.
Josh's college graduation: So, where will you get job?
My hope is to live off of mom as long as possble.
Holy shit, I have to get job!
Landry's seafood has an opening.
Josh's Family reunion: So when are getting married
I'm just looking for the right guy.
As soon as she gets pregnant.
What you haven't heard?
Josh's wedding: So, when are you guys having a baby?
I've had vasectomy.
What, you haven't heard?
Josh this weekend: So, when are guys going to have another kid?
What you haven't heard? We already pregnant and it is going to be twins.
This is my life as a people magazine article. I think it would be incredibly interesting. If only my answers were the right ones.
Cruising Toward a Tabloid Crackup - How Tom and Katie are undermining the celebrity magazines. By Jack Shafer
Monday, June 20, 2005
No More Mister Nice Blog
We know where Osama is. We know where the Tailiban is hiding out. We can go and get them whenever we want. We just have to have the balls to go after him in a country that is supposedly one of our allies. Bush and the boys have realy bad aim. Every time they go after the terrorist they seem to miss by one country. We are in Iraq when we really should be in Saudi Arabia and were in Afghanistan looking for guys that everyone knows are in Pakistan. Mongolia better hope that China doesn't piss us off.
No More Mister Nice Blog
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
CBS | Late Show Top Ten Archive: June 08, 2005
CBS | Late Show Top Ten Archive: June 08, 2005:
"Top Ten Ways George Bush Can Regain His Popularity
10. Dip into social security fund to give every American free HBO
9. Use diplomacy to bring peace to Brad, Jen and Angelina
8. Try fixing Iraq, creating some jobs, reducing the deficit and maybe capturing Osama
7. Figure out a way for the Yankees to win a game
6. Replace his 'country simpleton' persona with more lovable 'hillbilly idiot' image
5. Use weekly radio address to give Americans a Van Halen twofer
4. Get Saddam to switch to boxers
3. Ditch the librarian and make Eva Longoria First Lady
2. Resign
1. Jump on Oprah's couch while professing his love for Katie Holmes"
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
FSU QB Sexton hospitalized, called himself God - College football -
This seems a little strange until the end of the article when it is revealed that he had jut come from a Dave Matthews show. Then all starts to make sense.
FSU QB Sexton hospitalized, called himself God - College football -
Sunday, June 12, 2005
The Flypaper Theory: BAP!
Here's a little of what I was talking about as far as Dean goes. This is a link showing how scared Harold Ford is. I understand that Harold is running for senator in a very conservative state and his uncle is a total crook but come on. The next time that Harold shows some balls will the first time. This is a Democratic party that has been so cowed by the right that they don't even know an opportunity to be true opposition party when they see it. Come on Harold, the President is serving you up grapefruits take a swing.
The Flypaper Theory: BAP!
The media has been all over itself trying to come up with a good reason why no one is covering it. Here's an idea: COVER IT! This is a reporters dream. This Gulf of Tonkin all over again. Get your panties out of a wad and just start doing what your paid for. Investigate a real news story instead of what is happening in aruba. In the process you might be able to remind people why we have a media in the first place.
Crooks and Liars
Run don't walk to this site. I know I have recommended it before but it is a great daily source for info on the media and policy.
Crooks and Liars Howard Dean speaks out in Chicago
The Democrats have always been in search of an ass-kicker. Now they have one and don't know what to do with him. I personally love this new direction of saying what needs to be said pollsters be damned. This is exactly what you need to do early in an election cycle. What Dean is doing is the same thing that the GOP has done for years. Early in the cycle you throw red-meat to the core of your constituency and the worry about moving to the center later. Bravo Dean keep it up. Let the scared Dems run for hills and keep the heat on the cons. Howard Dean speaks out in Chicago
Friday, June 10, 2005
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005
The gawker media empire has a new colony. Oddjack is all gaming all the time. Poker, gambling, and even fantasy sports get the full treatment it is pretty good stuff. Go check it out.
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Expert Help for Your Fantasy Baseball Franchise
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Expert Help for Your Fantasy Baseball Franchise
Panther's hatred of Sapp led to downward spiral - NFL -
This gut hates Sapp so much he started drinking just to forget about him. These quotes are great.
“When we played Oakland and we lost to Sapp, I stopped going to the games then,” Jenkins said Thursday. “I was going to the games up to that point. I couldn’t go to the games anymore. After that, that’s when ... I’ve never been an alcoholic, but I upped my consistency of it.
“It was something where I did a lot more sitting around the house, and I would come in and get treatment, and that was it. I wouldn’t do anything. If I had my son, I’d take care of him but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t do anything.”
As hard as it is to believe that one rival player could send Jenkins into such a funk, he said that all his problems escalated after that game.
“I hate him. Everybody says I’m supposed to be polite when I talk to you all, but I hate him,” Jenkins said. “He talks too much, he doesn’t make sense, he’s fat, he’s sloppy, he acts like he’s the best thing since sliced bread. He’s ugly, he stinks, his mouth stinks, his breath stinks, and basically his soul stinks, too.
“Not too many people have personalities like that and survive in life. I don’t know how he does it.”
Now he knows how every Bucs fan feels.
Panther's hatred of Sapp led to downward spiral - NFL -
Triple Team Fantasy Basketball Award Ceremony
The First Annual Triple Team Trophy Presentation was held June 1st at the Grand Casino in Tunica, MS. all the ballrooms were booked so we held the ceremony in room 10181 of the Veranda hotel. Here are some pictures.

The presentation! George graciously accepts "The Nash" trophy. He thanked Jesus because without him none of this would be possible.

"This is for my Homies in the back!"

Celebratory kick Boogie Nights style.

The aftermath.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Montessori grappling with feds
This article sounds a lot more sinister than the article actually is. this is not an article about Maria Montessori wrestling with FBI agents.
The Article is about how one of the public Montessori programs in Memphis is finding it difficult to make Montessori theory mesh with No Child Left Behind.
It is remarkably fair in its treatment of Montessori. Looking at the authors name she seems Indian which would lead me to believe that she has had a lot of exposure to the method.
What I think this shows is the Republicans contempt for public education. The only way to improve our school system is through innovation. By setting national standards and forcing teachers to teach to a test NCLB effectively discourages trying out new methods.
What is the overall effect? The Republicans hope that eventually the schools will get so bad they can do away with them all together and privatize the whole thing. Thus creating a industry bent on producing learning for profit.
It is classic conservative thought. "We had to burn the village to save it." - Memphis, TN: Local
Today in History - June 1 - Yahoo! News
More Birthday fun!
In 1792, Kentucky became the 15th state of the union.
In 1796, Tennessee became the 16th state.
In 1801, Mormon leader Brigham Young was born in Whitingham, Vt.
In 1868, James Buchanan, the 15th president of the United States, died near Lancaster, Pa.
In 1958, Charles de Gaulle became premier of France.
In 1980, 25 years ago, Cable News Network made its debut.
Today's Birthdays: Actor Richard Erdman is 80. Actor Andy Griffith is 79. Actor Edward Woodward is 75. Actor Pat Corley is 75. Singer Pat Boone is 71. Actor-writer-director Peter Masterson is 71. Actor Morgan Freeman is 68. Actor Rene Auberjonois is 65. Opera singer Frederica von Stade is 60. Actor Brian Cox is 59. Rock musician Ron Wood is 58. Actor Jonathan Pryce is 58. Actor Powers Boothe is 56. Actress Gemma Craven is 55. Singer Graham Russell (Air Supply) is 55. Country singer Ronnie Dunn (Brooks and Dunn) is 52. Actress Lisa Hartman Black is 49. Singer-musician Alan Wilder is 46. Rock musician Simon Gallup (The Cure) is 45. Country musician Richard Comeaux (River Road) is 44. Actor-singer Jason Donovan is 37. Actress Teri Polo is 36. Model-actress Heidi Klum is 32. Singer Alanis Morissette is 31.
Powers Booth Baby, that dude was in Red Dawn!
Today in History - June 1 - Yahoo! News
Air America Rumors: Al Franken to Sell Out? and Other Culture: Industry Stories : Gawker
Air America we hardly knew thee. I guess liberal talk can't work. This one kind of puzzles me. They had all the publicity in the world to start. According to the last election half of the country seemed willing to listen to what they had to say. I think what it means is the conservative shut ins that listen to Rush have too much time on their hands and us progressives are too busy working to pay for Bush's tax cut.
Air America Rumors: Al Franken to Sell Out? and Other Culture: Industry Stories : Gawker