Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep Throat revealed!

And it is Mark Felt! You know the guy who worked at the FBI. Hello, is anyone out there? This is exciting! Isn't it?

We Hope He Got At Least a B and Other Media Stories : Wonkette

Give Peace a Chance - New York Times

A great article on how education can save the world. One Maria Montessori's first books was Peace Through Education. It is ignorance and propaganda disguised education that is leading the world to destruction.
Give Peace a Chance - New York Times

TPMCafe || The Coffee House

Talking points memo now has a online community of sorts. go check it out.

TPMCafe || The Coffee House

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Reznor Bails on MTV, Nails Manager - Yahoo! News

Reznor Bails on MTV, Nails Manager - Yahoo! News

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I Work at Best Buy

Great blog that illustrates what it is like to work in retail. He doesn't have nearly as bad as i have it pop tunes but it gives you some indication of the hilarity that I have to deal with every day.

I Work at Best Buy

Robert Novak, voice of reason?

This is a astonishing clip. Sure its not like losing Cronkite but this is a total right wing nut-job admitting it is time to get out of Iraq. it is an interesting video.

Crooks and Liars

Monday, May 23, 2005

Antonio Esfandiari : World-class Texas Hold'em Poker Player

These guys are unbelievable.

Antonio Esfandiari : World-class Texas Hold'em Poker Player

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The King of Black Metal lays down the law.

E-mail exchanges between Lance, the King of Black Metal from Gary, Indiana (aka Dave Hill) and Mathias, a Norwegian black metal guy.

\/\/\extreme blackness/\/\/

I Gotta Have More Cowbell, Baby

The Geekery - Biased and Unbalanced News

All In Magazine

How I wish I was this guy! Then I too could score with beautiful betties from Canada. This article reads just like one of those old "wild and crazy guys" skits from SNL.

All In Magazine

Friday, May 20, 2005

Strunk & White House: SSA Official Proofs Independent Lobbyist Report and Other White House Stories : Wonkette

Sometimes he says it better than anyone else can.


Strunk & White House: SSA Official Proofs Independent Lobbyist Report and Other White House Stories : Wonkette

Friday, May 13, 2005

'Arrested Development' Gets Two More Years Of Cancellation Rumors? : Defamer

Yeah Baby!!!!

'Arrested Development' Gets Two More Years Of Cancellation Rumors? : Defamer

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by jrc2g.
I'll give you your farm subsidies. Bend over ConAgra has a present for ya.

Wonkette - Cheney Gets a Demotion

I am showing you this now so when you see it on someone's car you don't freak out and run off the road.


Wonkette - Cheney Gets a Demotion

Sunday, May 08, 2005


The real school of rock.


The future of rock for this week


Louis XIV gets the title as the band who will save rock for the moment. The will hold that distinction until the next group of guys with bad haircuts shows up. This is a link to a video. (Bad analogy alert!) The sound is like if Iggy Pop did a broadway revival of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Try to get that image out of your head. The album art alone should make this thing a hit.

P.S. The Next Group of Guys With Bad Haircuts is the new name of the fictional band that I play the tambourine in.

The Red-headed League presents The Bat-man! in Robin's Big Date!

good stuff

The Red-headed League presents The Bat-man! in Robin's Big Date!

Matisyahu: The Hasidic Reggae Superstar - News


This is not a joke. This guy is pretty good. The music is good the spirituality is inspiring and saying Hassidic reggae will make you smile every time.

Matisyahu: The Hasidic Reggae Superstar - News

Saturday, May 07, 2005

AllDumb: Videos - Extreme Rugby Hits

These guys forgot to put on their pads.

AllDumb: Videos - Extreme Rugby Hits

Can you handle the fear?

This is the scariest website I have ever seen. Before you look at it make sure there are no children in the room. Be forewarned the amount of terror you are about to subject yourself to could be dangerous to your mental stability. Pregnant women and people with a history of heart problems should not attempt to look at this site. This site makes Enoch and Erma seem like a nursery rhyme. On second thought maybe you should not go to this site. Ignore this post for your own sake.

And they will know we are christains based on our voting record.

That could make a pretty catchy gospel tune.

Crooks and Liars

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow: May 01, 2005 - May 07, 2005 Archives

Red state Blue state theories are usually full of hot air and Tom Tommorrow tells us why.

This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow: May 01, 2005 - May 07, 2005 Archives


Originally uploaded by jrc2g.
(first row l-r) picture one-"This is how we salute in the guard."
picture two- "Silly atheists."
picture three- "Is someone holding a barrel of oil in the back of the room?!"
(second row l-r) picture four- "Ken Delay? Never heard of him."
picture five- "You talking to me? Oh right it's my town meeting."
picture six- "You are all my children now"