The long awaited, eagerly anticipated top albums of 2005 list
Well here is my list. The criteria is a little loose. It is basically the top ten albums that I have liked since the last list I made. So don't try to get technical with me about copyright dates and shit like that.

10) Get Behind Me Satan, The White Stripes
This album is not as strong as their previous work but that does not mean it isn't a great album. The bare bones rock that is on display here has many imitators but few that can top what Jack and Meg can accomplish with the limitations of two person band. I like groups that challenge people's idea of what rock should be. This band actually makes me want to go to Detroit! (zing Caliborne)
Choice Cut: My Doorbell

9) Be, Common
The ultimate rapper with a message( well other than KRS-0ne). This guy brings shots to the dome that actually make you think and bob that very same dome. Just like Kanye West, who produces and has guest spot on the record, Common is a breathe of fresh air compared to the fitties that populate the game now. Hey, it even has John Mayer on it. Play that funky music white boy!
Choice Cut: Go

8) Live at Stubbs, Matisyahu
Shalom Irie, Hassidic Reggae bitches! Jewish rappers and reggae artists don't get a lot of respect, so I had to give a shout out to one of the most interesting albums of the year. The dude is the Rabbi for the Bonnaroo set. Now don't get me wrong the guy can kick out the jams so he is more than just novelty act just don't expect any shows on a saturday. The best part pf listening to it is that you might be have this conversation in a bar:
Friend: So, what news tunes are you listening to?
You: You know, I've been getting really into Hassidic Reggae.
Freind: (stunned silence)
For that possibility alone I have to recommend this disc.
Choice Cut: Chop 'em Down

7) The Best Little Secrets are Kept, Louis XIV
Of all the bands that are currently trying to reinvent the eighties these guys do it with least amount of pretension. The lyrics are crude and rude. The music is like a mash up of Ziggy Stardust and the Strokes. The lead singer makes the unfortunate choice of putting on a weird english accent which knocks him down a few points when you find out he is from San Diego. That being said it is still pretty good EP. And, the cover art alone gets two thumbs up!
Choice Cut: Finding Out True Love is Blind

6) Tell it to the Dust, Anders Parker
At first many people might dismiss Parker as a Jay Farrar jr. But that would be selling him very short. He is versatile artist who sounds just as good stripped down to just acoustic or full blown with the backing of Phil Spectre type wall of sound. His musicianship is impressive and his lyrics have a weight to them that make every song very satisfying. If your looking for something that continues the tradition of Wilco (before Tweedy got all American Radiohead on us) or Son Volt ( before Farrar got to mixed up in his own dreariness) this is a good record to start with.
Choice Cut: Into the Sun

5) Guero, Beck
Beck back to his old tricks. This is the album Beck should have made after Odelay. Not to say his in between albums have not been good, but this album has all of his bag of tricks on full display. The guy is a musical genius and proves it here once again.
Choice Cut: Black Tambourine

4) Let it Die, Feist
Here's what you do. You get a little lady back to the pad. You ask her if she wants to drink some wine, and listen to some tunes. You uncap some of your best ripple and put on this sultry lady and let things go from there. This album is a panty dropper! Not that I have any experience of my own in this area but I can tell you from experience it is really good at putting ornery two-year olds to sleep. This Canadian songtress does a pretty good impression of the the old torch song singers and has pretty jazzy soundtrack backing her. Dig the synthesizers brother. She is also a part time singer for the Broken Social Scene one of Danny Z's favorites.
Choice Cut: Let it Die

3) Who Killed the Zutons?, The Zutons
No category really exists to put the Zutons in. They have a sound that is hard to put your finger on. All I know is whatever they are selling I'm buying. These English lads produce amazing rock songs that coexist peacefully with groovy ballads. If it weren't for certain Hassidic Reggae artists I would be hard pressed to find a stranger and yet more compulsively likable album this year.
Choice Cut: Pressure Point

2) Z, My Morning Jacket
Are they the next great Alt-country band? Maybe. Are they next great Jam-band? According to George no. Are they the American Coldplay? God, I hope not. Are they the greatest band ever to come out of Kentucky? With all apologies to the Kentucky Headhunters, yes. Does this album remind me of Pet Sounds? Sonically and with the statement it makes about the bands intentions, yes. Some people are put off by the lead singers voice, and while I'll admit it is an acquired taste it is well worth sticking to.
Choice Cut: Anytime

1) The Alternative to Love, Brendan Benson
I have long bemoaned the overabundance of whiny white boys in the musical landscape. The proliferation of crappy emo bands has only exacerbated this problem. Having said that, here is a whiny white boy who gets it right. The first time I heard this album I thought "What coffeehouse did they pull this guy from?" I was ready to write Benson off as just another java jammer with a dream. But, he eventually grew on me to the point that I could not get his songs out of my head. When I looked back on what was a pretty mediocre year in music (or least a year where I got pretty mediocre free promos at work.) I had to admit this was the album that I liked the most and that I could see myself listening to in ten years and still liking it. I can't think of a better singer to listen to while I'm enjoying my grande lo-fat decaf mocha latte.
Choice Cut: Them and Me
Honorable Mention
Demon Dayz, Gorillaz
Broken Social Scene
Well there you have it. Tell me what you think.
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