HBO: The Wire
The Wire is the best show on TV in honor of this I feel compelled to lit my top ten characters from the show.
10. Bunk Moreland
A hard drinking hard working Homicide detective bunk brings psychological games and good police work to being the best police he can be. I think he is going to be lonely this season as it seems that he lost his best drinking buddy Jimmy Mcnulty.

9. Howard "Bunny" Colvin
A lifetime police who worked his way up from beat cop to major. Bunny made the controversial choice of legalizing drugs in his district. The decision might have worked but his superiors found out and it lead to his downfall.

8. Tommy Carcetti
Tommy is a hard character to understand. one hand he is power hungry pol who would stab best friend in the back to get ahead, on the other hand he seems to want the power so he can do some good. But, how dirty can one person get and still come out clean?

7. Marlo Stansfeild
The new target of the wire. Marlo does not seem as smart as Avon and Stringer but he does seem just as cold blooded, maybe even more so. He doesn't talk much but his stare speaks volumes.

6. Bubbles
There are times where this junkie makes the life on the street seem fun. There are other times where he makes you understand what a hellish existence an addicts life can be. But through it all Bubbles preservers and shows us all the humanity that we pass on the street everyday without a thought.

5. Micheal Lee
This kid has only been two episodes but i think he is already one the most compelling character yet. He could easily be the next Marlo or the savior his neighborhood needs.

4. Deangelo Barksdale
This is the first drug dealer the series introduced us to. He was conflicted about the life and wanted to change. His family, both real and in the street, kept pulling him back until he was eventually destroyed by them. RIP D.

3. Stringer Bell
Time for the heavy hitters. Always one step ahead of the cops and the street Stringer was the ultimate GQ gangster. Weather running his drug dealer sit downs according to robert rules of order or opening a Kinko's stringer always kept everyone on his toes. He and his partner Avon Barksdale took the game by storm. Stringer's downfall came when he realized that while he was being a gangster to become a legit businessman Avon wanted to be a straight gangster til the day he died. At the end of season three all of Stringer's chicken's came home to roost.

2. Jimmy Mcnulty
Driven by the job and his wn sense of justice Mcnulty played by his own rules. sounds real cheesy but how else do describe a guy who got his own children to trail a drug dealer at the Baltimore fish market. Weather its boozing, fucking , or bringing in a collar no one did like "McNutty." It's the one that got away that haunts Jimmy. just when he was about to catch Stringer for good his target got killed. I think that was when jimmy realized that he had thrown away his life for a job that was never going to satisfy him. He has been pushed to the sidelines this season but we will see how long that lasts.

1. Omar Little
If Stringer, Avon and Marlo our America's worst nightmares then Omar is what keeps them up at night. A loose Cannon who takes down drug houses with impunity he is constant thorn in the side of the boys on the corner. Not only that but he is big ball of contradiction; he is a moral man who never swears and always takes his mother to church but he is also gay and will kill a drug dealer real quick if he gets in his way. A true testament to Omar's power is that he is the one who takes Stringer down and not the Baltimore PD.

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