Billosh World

This blog is set up for my brother and me to post things that we find interesting. I think our interests are varied but hardly unique. But, they could be unique but hardly varied. It is up to you to decide.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Crooks and Liars

Why am I a blogger? There really is no point when there is a resource like crooks and liars out there. This clip from the Daily Show shows the further fall of John McCain.

Back in 2000 I told everyone who would listen that I would vote for McCain if he made it through the primary. I felt like he wasn't beholden to the special interests and that he was speaking the truth. Now everything has changed.

Bush is leaving behind the most effective fundraising machine the political world has ever seen and now all the candidates are jockeying to grab those reins. this latest stunt by McCain is his attempt to cozy up to the interest behind this enterprise.

If you haven't seen the Robert Redford go rent it today. The movie is about an idealistic candidate who is eventually corrupted by the system. This is the McCain we see before us today. If a man who endured the tortures of Vietnam cannot stand up to these people, what cahnce do the rest of us have.
6304696507.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_Crooks and Liars


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